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October 26, 2020

“But if Christ is in you, then even though your body is subject to death because of sin, the Spirit gives life because of righteousness.” Romans 8:10

The moment we are born we immediately start doing two things: Living and dying. The number one cause of death is not cancer or heart disease – it is sin. Sin kills everyone. And where does sin operate? It operates in the body. The good news is that even though all of our bodies will one day die, our spirits don’t have to die. Jesus made a way for eternal life for all who believe.

You can kill the body of a Christian, but you cannot kill the spirit and soul of a Christian. Sin cannot touch the Holy Spirit that lives within the human spirit of every Christ follower. And it gets even better. Because Jesus walked out of that empty tomb, death can only temporarily kill even the body of a Christian.

Christians should celebrate Easter like no other day of the year. Because of Easter, death does not have the final say. Jesus coming out of that tomb is a picture of what is to come for every believer. One day, we will experience resurrection just as Christ did. We will get a brand new body that will be not only permanently free from the power of death, but also permanently free from the presence of sin.

Easter isn’t something Christians just celebrate one time a year. It is a day we celebrate every day. Easter tells me I am eternally secure in Jesus. It tells me I don’t have to be a captive to my past. It tells me I can live victoriously each and every day. Easter frees me from all fear of the future. Whatever comes my way, I have the Holy Spirit living in me to guide my steps.

Dear Lord, thank you for the blessing I have to celebrate my relationship with you. Help me to remain joyful and to not take You for granted. In Jesus' name, amen.

Topics: Joy

Bible Reference

But if Christ is in you, although the body is dead because of sin, the Spirit is life because of righteousness.
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