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Deep Roots

February 2, 2021

“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” Colossians 2:6-7

Avoiding cracks on the sidewalk, not opening an umbrella indoors, never breaking a mirror or walking under a ladder…these are just some of the ways that people try to avoid “bad luck.” There are countless other superstitions that people all around the world adhere to in order to try to minimize “unlucky” events in their lives. Such silly thinking has no place in the minds of those who profess faith in Christ.

Many suggest that things as superstitions and good luck rituals are harmless fun. But are they really? Or do they hint at doubt tucked deep in the crevices of our hearts? Do we truly trust in the goodness of God no matter what? Do we know in the depths of our being that His grace is sufficient in all circumstances? Are we willing to praise Him in both victory and defeat…in both joy and sorrow…when we are both pleased and disappointed? Are we willing to follow wherever He leads, or are we perhaps trying to manipulate the outcome of our lives behind the guise of “harmless fun?”

Living life fully dependent on God is a thrilling adventure. The twists and turns are inevitable…but so is the joy. Yes, there are valleys; but it is in these valleys that the roots of our faith grow deeper. Most people busy themselves, trying to accomplish things in their own strength and control things in their own ways. Some succeed, while others fail miserably. As Christ followers, our lives should not look like this. When people see how we live, they should see a steadfast faith, an abiding peace, and a deep gratitude in all things.

When we choose to depend on Christ continually, our whole perspective will change. We will see His handprints in even the smallest things. Instead of making wishes in the wind, we will whisper prayers in bold faith, and in humble acceptance. Instead of seeing “coincidences,” we will see God’s sovereignty. Just as we received Jesus in faith, we will learn to live every day with that same dependent faith…knowing it is not what we can do for ourselves, but what He has done for us that matters most.

It is then that our lives will be transformed, rooted deeply in faith and overflowing with gratitude.

Dear Lord, I want to live my life in total and complete dependence on you. I want to be deeply rooted in your Word, so please give me the humility and the diligence to put down those roots and to fully surrender to you. In Jesus' name, amen. 

Topics: Faith

Bible Reference

Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him,
rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.
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