Fulfilling Your Purpose

September 18, 2023

“Fear God and keep His commandments for this is the duty of all mankind.” - Ecclesiastes 12:13

Today's key verse teaches us that fearing and obeying God is the duty of every person that He has created. If we dive a bit deeper into this verse, we learn that the word, “duty” does not appear in the original Hebrew text. It literally reads, “To fear God and obey God is the whole essence of all mankind.” Therefore, it is more than just our duty to know and obey God - it is the meaning and purpose of our lives.

God’s plan is that we know Him, love Him, fear Him, and obey Him. When we follow His plan, we will fulfill the purpose for which we were made. Nothing can bring more joy, peace, and satisfaction than this. The reason so many people are plagued with problems, addictions, and regrets is because they were created for one purpose, but are attempting to live for another purpose.

No matter what else we do with our lives – even good things – if we miss knowing, loving, fearing, and obeying God, we will have missed His plan and our purpose. One day we will all stand before God. For believers in Jesus Christ, God’s judgment is not a threat. All of our sins have already been judged by God and through Jesus Christ. He has declared us “not guilty” because of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. When we stand before God it is not to be rebuked, but to be rewarded. If we truly know God through faith in His Son, Jesus, we should look forward to that day.

Father, I want to fulfill the purpose for which I was created. It is my joy to know You, love You, fear You, and obey You. I look forward to the day that I will hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” In Jesus’ name, amen.

Topics: God's Will

Bible Reference

The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.