Is God Political?

July 1, 2022

“Hatred stirs up conflict, but love covers over all wrongs.”  - Proverbs 10:12

With the lines of political divide being drawn more clearly and regularly than ever before in our country, do you ever wonder if God has chosen a political viewpoint? After all, so much of our politics is steeped in the values and policies we believe in at a personal level. Perhaps God has certain viewpoints that would skew him more towards Democrat or Republican. The reality is, however, that God is neither; and in fact, there are devout Christians on both sides of America’s political aisle.

What we must know about God is that He transcends politics altogether. Before the Declaration of Independence, before the Constitution, before the Bill of Rights, and before the various laws and statutes that have grown branches from it over two and a half centuries, there was the foundation for all law and order, God’s Word, the Bible. And in every political question, there is really only one viewpoint that really matters, and that is God’s view. God is not political, but He is moral. In fact, He defines all that is right or wrong. And where the Bible is clear, regardless of our political leanings, God expects us to side with His will and ways.

In so many political areas, however, the Bible is not clear. Be it water rights, voting districts, cell phone restrictions, airport security, rent control, or a myriad of other issues, there is broad discretion on the part of man to determine the course of action in a political sense. In this, we should remember Proverbs 10:12, in that a hateful attitude toward other political beliefs stirs up conflict. Instead, we must find ways to love others and work with them, even when we disagree. In John 13:35, Jesus tells His disciples that people will know they are followers of Christ when they show love to one another.

God is not political. He doesn’t take a “side” other than His own will and His own glory. As His creation, God wants man’s politics to be seasoned with grace, concern, love for our fellow people, and a willingness to work out our differences without being hateful. In this way, others will know we are of God. That’s so very difficult in today’s political climate, especially when social media makes it so easy to spew a zinger of a line from the anonymity of your cell phone screen. Don’t try to drag God into your politics. Instead, rise above politics to show your godliness in the way you handle your political beliefs with others.

God, thank You for blessing me by allowing me to live in a country where I can express freely my political beliefs. Help me to show I follow Jesus in the way I treat others and speak of my beliefs, especially with those who disagree with me. Let others say of me that I follow Jesus because I treat them with kindness, respect, and love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.  

Topics: Government

Bible Reference

Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses.
By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”