Purposefully Called

August 4, 2021

“…Before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5

Certain days have been set apart for certain times of the year. Spring has been set apart for Easter. December has been set apart for Christmas. November has been set apart for Thanksgiving. Likewise, each of us has been set apart for a specific purpose. We have been set apart by God for His call on our lives. In Jeremiah 1:5 we see that the prophet Jeremiah was not only set apart for salvation, but also for vocation. God had a work for him to do, a mission for him to accomplish, and a purpose for him to fulfill. The same is true for you and I.

Do you know what the word “vocation” means? It is not just work. It comes from a Latin word that means, “to call.” Each one of us, regardless of our employment situation, should be fulfilling God’s call on our lives. God has an appointment for every person to keep from the time he/she is conceived. God appoints businessmen. He appoints public servants. God appoints schoolteachers, scientists, and doctors.

Throughout biblical history, we see how men and women of faith who lived out their God-given purpose changed the world. What would have happened if Noah hadn’t believed God and built that ark? What if Moses hadn’t gone to free God’s people from slavery in Egypt? What if Joseph had not wed Mary, or the disciples had not followed Jesus? In those moments, could these heroes of our faith possibly have known the impact their “yes” would make? Are our yeses any less important in God’s economy?

Stay-at-home mom or Fortune 500 CEO, both are equally valuable to the purposes and plans of God. Whether you preach to thousands each week or lead a small group of children, your investment matters equally. There are no “top dogs” from God’s perspective, only individuals daring to say “yes” to the plans He has for them each and every day.

Dear Lord, I know that you have given me a specific purpose and calling to fulfill while I'm on this earth. So I'm asking now that you give me the courage and the boldness to step into that calling and to fulfill that purpose with your help and your strength so that I might bring glory to you and point others towards you. In Jesus' name, amen. 

Topics: Christian Living

Bible Reference

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.”