Sacred and Steadfast

October 28, 2022

That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh. – Genesis 2:24

Yesterday, we began a conversation about marriage. Marriage is hard work. It’s not a relationship that comes easy, but it’s one that can be very rewarding if you’re willing to put in the work. In yesterday’s devotion, we specifically talked about how marriage should be experienced as the supreme companionship. Today, we’re going to continue learning about marriage as we discuss two more principles of love and marriage that we need to implement in our lives.

The second principle is that we should envision marriage as a sacred communion. The only person you should consider marrying is the person you truly believe God has brought to you. It may sound idealistic to you, but I still believe that God is in the building business and God is in the bringing business.

The point I want you to grasp is marriage is a divine institution. Marriage is a sacred communion. It is God’s ideal idea. And therefore, marriage will always be the ideal relationship between a man and woman who want to build a life together because it is a sacred, divine godly communion.

Finally, the third principle is that we should enter marriage as a steadfast commitment. Once you understand marriage as the supreme companionship and as a sacred communion, it stands to reason that you should go into a marriage with a steadfast commitment. To break down what that means practically, let’s look at the detailed instructions for the first marriage described in today’s key passage.

The man is to leave his father and his mother. In other words, the primary allegiance now of the man is not as a son to parents, but as a husband to a wife. This doesn’t mean that you ignore your parents or disrespect your parents or quit loving your parents, but it is a matter of allegiance.

There is also the matter of permanence. “A man is to leave his father and mother and be united to his wife.” The word “united” literally is translated as “hold fast.” It means to be “glued to” or “be cemented to.” Do you know what every husband is to do with his wife once he marries her? He is to hold on to her for dear life no matter what. It is the attitude of a husband that says to his wife, “As soon as the wedding is over if you ever leave me I am going with you.” Marriage has to be that kind of commitment, not just practically, but biblically, spiritually, and theologically.

Dear Lord, thank you for giving such clear instruction on what a godly, biblically-based marriage should look like. I pray that you would give me the humility and the courage to look at my own marriage and make me aware of any areas where I am not implementing your guidance and truth about marriage. Help me to view marriage as a sacred communion and a steadfast commitment so that my marriage can honor and glorify you. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Topics: Marriage

Bible Reference

Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.