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Fear and Obedience

September 13, 2023

“Fear God and keep His commandments.” - Ecclesiastes 12:13

The number one reason you and I were put on this planet is to know God, because knowing Him is the only thing that gives life meaning. That is why God sent Jesus Christ to be one of us, so we could know Him in a personal way. We can only come to know God the Father through His Son Jesus Christ.

To know God is to love God. To love God is to fear God. To fear God is to obey God. That is why in Ecclesiastes Solomon wrote, “Fear God and keep His commandments.” Fear of God and obedience to God are connected. The order here is important. You will not get to know God by obeying Him; you obey God because you get to know Him. That is why in the Bible, faith always comes before works. Works will never produce faith, but faith will produce works.

When we know and fear God, we are transformed into the image of His Son. We begin to love the things that God loves and to hate what He hates. God loves good and hates evil, and we begin to do the same. We will become passionate about loving and serving people, just like Jesus. Our desire to know God’s Word and obey it will grow as well. All of this flows out of a relationship with God through His Son.

The real meaning of life is found simply by trusting God and obeying Him.

Father, draw me deeper in my relationship with You so that I look more like Your Son Jesus. May I not only fear You but also obey You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Topics: Obedience

Bible Reference

The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.
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