Parenting Advice

May 12, 2023

“Your Word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” Psalm 119:105

There are two things in life that you don’t know what to expect until they happen. One is getting married and the other is having a child. Many well-meaning couples mistakenly think that raising children just cannot be so hard. After all, all sorts of people from all sorts of backgrounds do it every day, right? How hard could it be?

Throughout my life, I continue to learn that good things never come easy. Good families don’t just happen. Good marriages don’t just happen. Likewise, good children don’t just happen. It takes hard work and sacrifice to raise a child.

So often I get asked this question: “Can you recommend a good book on parenting?” I have read many parenting books over the years, and there certainly are some wonderful ones out there. But I am convinced, especially after bringing up three children myself, that the greatest book ever written on parenting is the Bible.

God’s Word should be our first source on parenting issues. Before we call a friend, buy a self-help book, or peruse the Internet, we should ask God what He has to say. After all, the first-ever, and only-perfect parent – God Himself, wrote the Bible. Just as our Heavenly Father wants what is best for His children, He knows that we want the same for our children.

There is no money-back guarantee on raising small children to become godly adults, but there are some valuable principles in the Bible that will help us to do the best job that we can. His Word is our wisdom. It is our source of truth and hope. Psalm 119:105 reminds us that God’s Word can illuminate the next right step as we walk the long and sometimes dark journey of raising children.

Dear Father, when I am tempted to follow the example and teaching of the world when it comes to parenting, remind me that I have all the guidance I need in you and your Word. Help me not to forget where the true standard for parenting comes from. In Jesus' name, amen. 

Topics: Parenting

Bible Reference

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.