“…all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
Matthew 6:33-34 (NIV)
Ever feel like worry is a virus you catch but can’t seem to cure?
Worry often creeps in when you place your desires for earthly things above your relationship with God. When you desperately want something–whether it's control, success, or security–you can become consumed by trying to make it happen on your own instead of trusting in God's provision.
In today’s verse, Jesus says that when you put God first today, you don’t have to worry about tomorrow.
Many of us seek things–possessions, money, safety, security, stability. But Jesus says, “Don’t worry about these things.” In other words, don’t be consumed by these things. Let your heart be consumed with the King and His Kingdom–He will give you everything else you need.
Jesus shows us that peace comes when we let go and trust God completely. Each day, you can choose to follow God's path rather than your own. When you do this, you’re freed from the anxiety of chasing after things or dwelling on what's missing in your life.
And as you let go of your plans and pursue the King and His kingdom, you receive Jesus’ promised provision. You can stop worrying because you know He will supply all you need.
Picture your heart as a throne room. Only one person can sit on that throne and guide your life's decisions. Every day, you choose who that will be–either you remain in control, or you let Jesus lead.
What happens when you surrender to Jesus’ rulership? Instead of giving up your freedom, you gain it. When you surrender to God’s rule, you experience freedom from worry.
Your God is the center of everything in heaven and on earth and today you can give Him first place on the throne of your heart.
Pray this simple prayer with me, “God, give me the wisdom to know your kingdom will. And Lord, give me the power to do it. I live my life today under the rule of the King.” In Jesus’ mighty Name, Amen.
Topics: Surrender, Kingdom of God