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Prayer Wall


Prayer for long life and good health and good mental health and live over 100 praise God for life and protection from spiritual attacks and healing from depression low energy from psychiatric medicine pray God removes side effects so I don't over sleep and have more energy and blessed days without feeling drained have God give me supernatural energy and happiness only Jesus can give thank you Jesus

July 24, 2024


Healing for nausea from stomach accid indigestion and God to protect me from it damaging my health wisdom from God about foods that aren't good for me and what to eat praise God

July 24, 2024


Healing for bipolar disorder depression also God to bless me with peace and inner happiness

July 24, 2024

Maricle healing

Maricle Healing from bells palsy on left side of face

July 24, 2024


Devine financial maricle from God Protection safe travels

July 24, 2024

Work Stress Mgmt / Gratitude

This is not as important as some other prayers, but I know all prayers hold value with God Please pray for my company and my immediate team members to find gratitude, understanding and grace during difficult economic times. Gratitude seems to be so far away for some. And Thank You for your wonderful ministry when watching on TBN in the very early AM when stress and life prevents me from rest. God Bless you and your ministry work reaching out and bringing comfort to people in need at the right time Amen.

July 24, 2024


Need prayer for mercy and protection and vindicated over toxicity at work and home thank you and God bless you

July 24, 2024

Get the help I need

Please pray that the Lord will help me make my next/probably, last move. That the Rental Co. and owner of the house I'm renting now, will be KIND and let me out of my Lease, soon, or rent Month to month, so, I can move to a more Considerate/kind/helpful place with more people I can relate with and share. I'm 73 an old hippie, no family, now, and most of my dear friends have died., it can be very lonely. I know Mental Health is very difficult now, more than when I was a Psych. Nurse years, ago...especially, being an Empathetic being we tend to pick up a LOT of the Negative Energy in our world today. Thank GOD for my FAITH and Praying every day that 2nd Coming will be, soon! Thank you SO much for your Daily Devotions and Prayers.

July 24, 2024


Please pray for my son to make it through bootcamp and to graduate. He is having problems passing the swim test. He also has stress fractures in his legs. Thank you for your prayers!

July 24, 2024

Prayer request

I'm needing to make an important decision about one of my jobs. Please pray that God will speak clearly to me, as to what to do.

July 24, 2024


I just want to feel the Lord surrounding me. Please pray for a breakthrough and healing in my life In my families lives. Miracles that only come from the Lord.

July 24, 2024

Guidance help

Please I need God to help me. I am living with a negative hateful person of 49 years. I need some guidance from God what I should do. Please

July 24, 2024

I need God's presence a favor

I'm a caregiver to my husband he's about 12 years older than me he's a disabled veteran we lost our car and because of who was choice that I made to take a loan out of my car it depended on that car it was a old car a 2007 Ford focus but anyway we owned it and now we have no transportation and like you telling myself the life is going to get easier that our lives are going to get easier I'm trying to listen for God to speak to me to help me line my life up with this will I pray I listen to the Bible for some reason I'm lazy I can't pick up the Bible and read it all the time but I listen to it at least three four times a day I can't sleep only sleep every 2 hours and I'm just I need prayer please thank you

July 24, 2024


I need peace

July 23, 2024


I have an opportunity to take a course called prophetic Heart Healing. They are Christians and I have been learning about the program and how it can help me. It can be a business that I can start once I’m certified. I need to make sure that my husband is on board. We have an information call on Friday at 5:00.

July 23, 2024


Please pray for my wife and I and our marriage. We are facing divorce right now, and I am praying for a miracle. For a redemption story. For healing reconciliation. For openness, honesty, and unity. For a one Ness together with the Lord. Please pray for us.

July 23, 2024


Please pray for my health

July 23, 2024

Please pray that my depression lifts

Hello I'm 58 years old and I live with my husband and I have no children. My husband had an affair but I had him come back home because I could not live on my own because of my disability and I didn't have enough money. Please ask God to show me his guidance on what to do and to please lift my depression. Thank you so much and God bless.

July 23, 2024


I am 57 yrs old unemployed. I have been trying to recieve an over of employment but with my age it is appearing to be impossible. I know all things are possible thru Christ Jesus who strengthens me...please pray for the restoration of my income.

July 23, 2024

Our country

Lord I pray for our nation and ask you to help our world and that we in US get a leader who is for people and moral, justice Amen

July 23, 2024


I would like to request prayer about the next step the Lord would have me to take after retiring from teaching. I am praying about a possible part time tutoring job. I also am going to be serving in my former school's Good News Club. We are praying that the Lord would guide me to use my time as He desires.

July 23, 2024


Please say a prayer for my son to get a job! He’s been layed off and struggling in so many areas. Thank you for your prayers!!!!

July 23, 2024


Join me in prayer for a good job with benefits and upright stand supervisor and co-worker. Stay healthy and well. Money to pay by debts and repairs and have some to save.

July 23, 2024

Husband and I

Good morning! My orayer is for my husband and I. He is being faced with challenges by a coworker at a store that he manages. Several ppl have quit due to this individual and she is gunning for his position. She isn't qualified nor does she have the skills but is evil and causing harm. I pray God protects my husband and he is cautious to her schemes and web of lies. I on the other hand am finishing nursing school and need God's strength, wisdom and the knowledge to help me be successful. Life is tough but God is faithful. I pray for a hedge of protection around my family and may God continue to bless us as we continue to be a blessing to those around us. I ask this in Jesus name! Amen.

July 23, 2024

Husband's Mental Health is Continuing to Decline

Husband's Mental Health is Continuing to Decline Please pray for my husband and our whole family who are all affected by his traumas to us. He threatens me in one way or another every day and enjoys withholding necessary financial resources. He truly enjoys this; his behavior is demonic in nature. May the Lord renew his mind and remove the lying spirits within him. He has made an alternative reality out of his life and made himself into a hero instead of a villain. The lying never stops. After 43 years of knowing him, his imagined realities are crazier than ever. I think he has convinced himself, with the help of satan to fully embrace and to actually believe many of his lies created about himself. He is truly unhappy and hates me, his wife, and anyone else who knows the truth about him. When I met him, he had made up job history, education and income that he never actually had. He made a big show out of being a born-again Christian. Five weeks after we were married, I found out the truth about HIS (now ours) extreme debt and many other things I didn't realize. He had squandered all my savings on drugs, ECT., as soon as he access to them and not paid any of our bills. He would not answer any questions about his lying and debt; but instead, totally stonewalled me and did not speak at all. He told me he wasn't a Christian the next day, which was Sunday, and he really enjoyed telling me this. He was in control; I was not. I cannot express to you the horror of that day. After this, I realized pretty early on that he had actually been hiding behind doorways for years listening and learning about me before presenting "himself" to me, so he could learn who he needed to pretend to be. He invented someone that I could respect and appreciate and introduced this person to me. So, the lying began. He pretended to be someone I would want to be with: a strong Christian man who was very "good" and always helped others, who had no addictions, did not lie, steal, or swear, and went to church every Sunday and read his bible every day. He promised me we would adopt children and do foster care, giving these children an actual home. My dreams died early in the marriage, one by one realization at a time. In reality, he never even helped with our own children physically, emotionally, or financially. Our lives have always been on an up and down spiral; however, now he has some other major mental health issues as well. I am falling into depression again due to his very violent and cruel behaviors. My migraines have been off the charts. Our family really needs prayer for protection from all of this. In Jesus Name, Amen.

July 23, 2024

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