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Prayer Wall


Prayer for protection from witchcraft affecting my health blessings and happiness peace and God to block witchcraft and restore everything stolen through witchcraft in Jesus name amen

July 20, 2024


I have cancer surgery the 25th. Please pray for me.

July 20, 2024

Help with alcoholism

Asking for prayers to help me with alcoholism Can't seem to stop drinking. Pray for me please

July 19, 2024

Pray for a Miracle

I have non treatable cancer!! I have chosen not to take Chemo for what it does to the quality of life. I pray to God that he will do what is best for me!! Thank you for prayers!!!

July 19, 2024

Problems solved

At age 71, I'm not joyful because (1)I've had to go back to working part-time to make ends meet and assist my little family with monthly expenses. (2)Recently fell and my right knee is pained all the time cause I work in retail, even just walking in the house is painful. (3) I've got debts to pay, too, thanks to COVID and inflation. (4) I wish I had some way to invest a few dollars that will expand my territory on a regular basis, so I can truly retire, and still help my little family, while affording my own little cottage (with Smokey my cat) and a car, in every way without having to work anymore... allowing me to be part of a church, too. In Jesus'Name, Amen.

July 19, 2024


Please pray very sincerely and most earnestly that God our father lift up our spirit and keep myself and my son from All badness and trouble in Jesus name amen. Thank you very much.

July 19, 2024

Alone now.

All my familyI has passed away now. I seek God's direction as to where I go from here. Recent right foot amputation has me in wheelchair. I am feeling led to search Assisted Living. I am age 72.

July 19, 2024

My Son,s physical and emotional Health

Please agree with me for Jesus to heal,comfort,and protect My son while he is dealing with physical and emotional health issues. Thank you Jesus.

July 19, 2024

I'm asking for prayers for myself because I need help

Jesus I need you always I know I can't make it in this life with out you hold my hand I trust u I believe in you please help me to not give up on myself please help me with willpower courage strength wisdom I'm nothing with out you thank you Jesus for your love thank you for my life n everything I been threw thank you for the holy spirit thank you for the bible thank you for opening my heart humbling me thank you for your mercy and my faith hope I have meth addiction depression n I'm no ged or deploma I have no car no electricity or water or toilet food or positive environment I only make threw everyday with your word I hate myself please keep carrying me I love you and thank you for that Lord I'm pitiful with out you Jesus Glory to the King for ever n ever Amen

July 18, 2024

God to move

I really need God to move but also for Him to bestow a unique blessing for when I preach next week.

July 18, 2024

Patience and to be closer to God

Please pray that I will continue having patience and learn how to wait on God. I know everything is in His timing. And that I will move closer to God and lift my family and friends up to Him. I pray for the salvation of my family members from my husband to my grand children. Please pray that our business will pick up. I know all things are done in His timing and His will. Thank you Lord for everything You have done in my life.

July 18, 2024

Rejected by adult children

Good morning. I just read Dr. Merritt’s devotion today 7/18/2024. We are so very blessed in this country to not be as persecuted physically or martyred as those in other countries who follow Christ. However, because of our freedom and protection, Satan is finding other way to murder and attack believers in our country. And I believe he’s doing it by attacking and trying to destroy families. Killing families. Killing relationships. My 40-year-old son is a believer. My daughter-in-law claims to be as well. But they have chosen to cut off my husband and I (as well as our entire family, including my two other sons, my other grandson, the grandparents, aunts and uncles) from their life. And they won’t let us see or talk to our grandchildren. we are all blocked from their social media. We are heartbroken. I’ve apologized for things, I didn’t do. I honestly don’t know their reasons. I can only attribute it to Satan‘s attacks, lies and whispers. A sad statistic I just read said nearly 30% of adult children are estranged from their parents. I don’t know if that’s US or worldwide. I just know it’s sad. And while there are toxic and abusive situations, I can assure you mine is not the case. And I would imagine most other families in that statistic are not. So I write this with a broken heart and tears flowing. I know Satan is ‘defeated by the blood of lamb and by the word of my testimony.’ Jesus has overcome. God has an amazing purpose for this and he will see me through. I appreciate your prayers for healing, for restoration, for forgiveness and restoration of families. My family.

July 18, 2024


Prayers for my mental health;; depression, anxiety, sadness, fear and not being able to make decisions. I’m afraid of everything and everyone.. I don’t get a moment of peace. Jesus, let me feel your presence. 🙏🙏🙏

July 18, 2024

Prayer for thanks and salvation

I would like to ask for prayer thanking God for all He has done in my life. I would also like to ask for prayer that all my family, coworkers, and others will be saved, and that all of us will continue to be healthy and prosperous in Him.

July 18, 2024

Blessings on my life

I am asking for a financial blessing and breakthrough in my life. I am praying for an increase in my financial flow, a bonus and settlement to help me be able to pay my delinquent car note, my car insurance and past due mortgage.payment. I need some money to save for an emergency fund. I need to be able to get back on track financially. I need for my health to continue to improve and get access to my injection Monjuaro. I need to continue to be led by God.

July 18, 2024

A New Home

I am asking God for peace on the home, that we are closing on, and that there are no hidden issues that will cause us problems later on and that it will be the perfect home for me and my family, for many years to come if it is in God’s will, that we get along with our neighbors and that they are people who have a relationship with God and show it. Overall I just want a great place to live. and live a life that honors God. In the mighty name of Jesus! Amen

July 18, 2024


Please pray for C for his emotional healing and to truly understand Gods grace to love him and others and to transform....

July 18, 2024

Finance, Health, and Relationship

Please 🙏🙏🙏🙏 pray for my health, I am going through a battle with arthritis - severe pain all over my body. I have to take OTC pain relief tablets every 2 hours & rub the pain relief cream every 2 hours. I'm trying to get an apartment to the pain clinic but I need a referral. My PCP told me yesterday that she will see me next week to do an x-ray. And then determine if I need to be seen by the pain clinic, she did prescribe some pain medication. It has eased the pain. I also have eczema/psoriasis - and the itching is also severe, I got a refill for the ointment, but will take some time to ease the itching. Also my husband Samuel and I are struggling financially we are two retired unemployed individuals on a very fixed income. We have to pay a lot for rent. I'm trying to get some jobs where you can work from home. The in our relationship my husband Samuel has changed this year. He constantly wants to argue with me, embarrassing me in public, and verbally abuses me, (nothing physical). He doesn't rarely want to go anywhere with me. He doesn't buy me anything( our Anniversary was in April I got no gift, mother's day I got no gift, and my birthday is July 29th, and I am sure that I will not get any gift). He doesn't want to kiss me anymore, he sleeps on the opposite side of the bed. Doing all these things and still telling me that he loves me, but his actions shows differently. I pray a lot (even crying while I am praying). Asking God 🙏🙏🙏🙏 to help me. We have been married for 44 years. I hope that I didn't bore you(whoever is taking this prayer request). Thank you 💕💕💕💕 for your prayers. Be blessed

July 18, 2024

Health and financial

I am 79 years old, I have heart afib and both knees and worn out, I have to stay with my daughter and I don't want that, I want my own home. I have been baptized and I love God.

July 17, 2024

For our son with bipolar mental illness

Please pray for our son clarity of mind!

July 17, 2024

I’m empty

I’m in need of healing prayers for my anxiety, depression, fear, constant sadness and not being able to make decisions. 🙏

July 17, 2024


I’m having gallbladder surgery. I also have possible kidney stone.

July 17, 2024


Thank you for all my many Blessings. I ask for healing of my neck and back. Also praying for my children and grandchildren and husband. And for our country. Thank you Lord

July 17, 2024

Toxic work place

Need prayer for mercy and protection and vindicated toxicity at work my store manager got nasty with me about going home sick I am ill thank you and God bless you 🙏

July 17, 2024

Unspoken needs

Prayers I do God’s will, Prayers to have faith over fear. Prayers to be able to help others the way God wants me to. My marriage, my husband health, my daughters snd son all their friends and family . . To gave ability to forgive and show love Jesus love….. always My cousin, Our pastor , the world…… Thank you.

July 17, 2024

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