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One Foot In Front of the Other

August 1, 2021

People tend to go to two extremes with their body. Some people don’t think their body is as important as God does. Other people think their body is more important than God does. Whichever group we happen to be in, I want us to see our body in a completely different way than maybe we ever have before. How you see your body will determine how you treat your body. Whether you ignore your body, adore your body, or abhor your body is not a physical issue, but a spiritual issue. So as we conclude our series called “Otherwise” we’re going to learn that living healthy is part of living holy, and we’re going to look at the words of Paul to see how we can live a healthy and holy life.

Topics: Healthy Living

In this series


There are only two types of decisions we can make. From a human perspective, we could call them either good decisions or bad decisions. From God’s perspective, He would call them wise decisions or foolish decisions. Just as every parent wants to train their children to make wise decisions, God wants His children making wise decisions. God wants us to live otherwise. And in order to do that, we need to come to understand that the wisest decision we can make is to seek God’s wisdom for every decision.

Bible Reference

Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own,
for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.
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